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Ma laptop dosent startup windows xp?
Hello, I pull up Internet Explorer, and it lets me keep my home pages up for a couple of seconds and goes to blocked after a few seconds. It says blocked in the tab up at the top. Do I have a virus or what? How can I fix this? Please help!...
Antivirus live has infected my computer, I am unable to open
I have a mac and want to install frostwire to download songs. I have heard that downloading songs can also download viruses and spyware, does apply to macs, i have heard that there are viruses that can harm macs operating...
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I installed Mozilla Firefox in F drive. Due to virus problem I formatted my C drive.Then i can't find Mozilla firefox. So I installed Mozilla again. After that i can't find my Bookmarks in the newly installed one. Now how to get my bookmarks again? Still am having that Mozilla in...
registry cleaner
I think Limewire is simply a Peer to Peer program for file sharing. If that's right then surely you can get a virus if the person you get a file from has it. Video files do not contain viruses. Neither do mp3 or jpg files. Viruses can be find in executable files (.exe) .dll files and a...
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Trojan.Deskwizz problem??how to remove it?
Anytime I am connected to wireless internet it periodically stops functioning as if I am no longer connected. However, the computer shows that it is still connected, and people around me are having no problems at all. This usually happens four or five times in a two hour...
Uninstall AntiVirus, Please Help!?!!?
hi, i am trying to fresh format my windows vista (with a windows xp cd cus its all i have) but it doesnt work because... when i boot from the cd and unload all the files, it says 'starting windows' but then tells me to restart because theres probably a virus that forbids me from...
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My computor says it has a virus, and it wants me to download their anti virus software ( which I know is just spyware and is a scam) so I always press cancel. Now my computor freezes about 30 seconds after I log on and it will not let me acess the Internet. How can I get it to stop...
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registry cleaner
I suddenly noticed that most files names turned blue in font color in every directory i enter. i can not seem to change it back to black and i do not understand what have caused it. i thought maybe it is a virus or spyware since it happened suddenly, i checked for viruses and...
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does anyone know if they are legit? i want a points2shop account but don't know if it will give my computer viruses or stuff like that, or if it's a scam. any help?
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I need help trying to figure out how to work my kaspersky in
now i was using nod32 antivirus.i think it was not working properly..when downloading files by using torrents my internet connection was very slow.now a days my pc which was very slow..i think some one was hacking my pc...suggestion pls..what to...
Can i have kaspersky internet security and kaspersky antivir
Well, I'm not too sure it's a trojan horse but it's what I think. Anyways, one of my friends messaged me on msn saying, "is this you ? lol" then gave me a link. I clicked on it and it was one of those things where you have to download it. So I did. (I know, I'm very gullible D:)...
Nowe dzia³y
UWAGA !!!!
Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich forumowiczów do sk³adania propozycji na tworzenie nowych dzia³ów w ka¿dej z kategorii oraz nowych kategorii naszego forum. Zapraszamy te¿ wszystkie jednostki naszego hufca do zg³aszania siê do...
Zdjêcia na galerie
Mam pro¶bê do wszystkich którzy posiadaj± jakie¶ zdjêcia , którymi chc± siê podzieliæ ¿eby dostarczali je mi albo Mojemu Bratu ( m³ody Sobczak) to postaram siê je jako¶ pogrupowaæ i dostarczyæ do Komendanta Hufca , tak by trafi³y na stronê szczególnie u¶miecham siê do osób...
Zebranie wtorkowe!!!
Ludzie i ludziska przekazujcie wszystkim o inf.zawartej na naszej stronie hufca odno¶nie spotkania wtorkowego.Bierzcie kogo mo¿ecie!!Potrzebni s± ludzie!!pokaza³o siê zielone ¶wiat³o aby zrobiæ co¶ fajnego, Widzê ¿e nasze forum umiera!!Gdzie jest ca³a masa...
Potrzebna pomoc
Z tej strony Dh pwd. B³a¿ej Pêszyñski z Hufca W³oc³awek Miasto. Piszê pracê licencjacka nt samowychowania m³odego cz³owieka w ZHP. Otrzyma³em akceptacje na powielenie ankiety i rozpoczêcie badañ naukowych. Chcia³bym prosiæ zainteresowanych...
Is this a good computer?
Laptop: Lenovo Y410 OS: win XP sp3 AntiVirus: Norton Internet Security 2009 Back in the Philippines, I was using my laptop normally. No problems. I could connect to the internet, download stuff with p2p, etc. About a week ago, we arrived in Las Vegas and have been living with my...
Files font color suddenly changed to blue?
It said something was infected but it disappeared before i could read it. I use Avast...It may or may not be part of the avast VRBD (Virus Recovery Database) Is this something with Avast or maybe something with my pc?? Can anyone tell me what this is and how to get back to it so I can...
Virus problem please help?
I've had my laptop since like April, and just at the beginning of this month it started getting really slow (online and offline), and eventually started warning me about how my hard disk is apparently bad, and I should send it to my manufacturer or something. I was able to hit...
jak tam po wyczynie ??
by³o ostro szczególnie na sp³ywie ^^...
Kurs zastêpowych czê¶æ I
Wiem ¿e z obecnych na kursie niewielu ma tu konto ale mo¿e jednak kto¶ powie jak by³o? Mi siê bardzo podoba³o. Jak dla nowych osób sporo wiedzy, dla mnie to by³o ciekawe uzupe³nienie tego co wiem no i przypomnienie. Ale ze sznurami mam problem;p Wiêkszo¶æ...
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Mam problem z kientem otó¿ sciagnelem klienta zhypermu potem patcha. Zainstalowalem klienta nastepnie wrzucilem do niego patcha. Zupdatowalem i gdy odpalam gre to gdy zaczyna sie ladowanie gry z oknem powitalnym po sekundzie ona sie wylacza...
Regulamin Tej Kategorii
Uwaga U¿ytkownicy
W tej kategorii Kto zostaje Adminem itd ma prawo tylko pisaæ Admin, u¿ytkownicy i inni nawet junior admini maj± zakaz
Ten temat jest tylko aby¶cie wiedzieli kto kim zostaje Te¿ bed± konkursy na dan± range,...
Bardock zostaje Junior Adminem!
Bardock zostaje Junior Adminem, mam do ciebie zaufanie, i mam nadzieje ¿e bêdziesz szanowaæ tego jr.admina! Da³em ci go poniewa¿ jeste¶ jako 1 na forum
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