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The Watcher
RELEASEDATE: 05/13/2010 ??__?? PROD STUDIO: Wicked DVD RELEASE: 05/11/2010 ???? GENRE : Feature FORMAT : XviD _ ?? _ VIDEO : 976bps 29.970 fps RUNTIME : 1hrs 39mins _?????_? RESOLUTiON : 576*320 SiZE : 1CD ?_?????????_ DiSK AMOUNT: CD1 49x15 MB ???????? ?_?????????????_? ??????? CD2 XXx15 MB
Cast: Asa Akira, Bridgette B., Charisma Cappelli, Kirsten Price, Mason Moore, Zoey Holloway
Plot: There are certain men in this world who derive great pleasure from watching their wife or girlfriend engaging in sex with other men? commonly known as Watchers or Observers. These couples are usually hyper-sexual, and enjoy roll playing, swapping, and group sex.

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